Hello and welcome to a series of three of the cutest monsters EVER! These 3 cuties are from Gerda Steiner Designs' digital collection. The image is below from the site with the link. The picture is exactly how I printed and colored it. I actually had not a clue what I was going to do with it. And it hit me. A card set. Then as they lay on my desk I kept putting off posting them and it hit me. What a great way to kick off a live series on PPCF! So today I will be going live around noonish EST with Urple. Because it has blue mixed in with purples...hello, Urple. So go to FB to my group Passionate Paper Creations and Friends and let's start learning how to pick color combos, But most important let's get advanced with 5-6 or 4-6 marker combos that you wouldn't think of. Here is a link to where I will have the live video
