Happy Birthday Dustin Pike!!!!
How fitting that Dustin would release a bunch of monkey's for his birthday! Yup, that's right, there is no monkeying around with this awesome collection. They are a must see and have...LOL. There are 6 in the collection and each one is a crack up.
Here is a barrel of monkey's. I don't have the link yet but if you go to Dragon Doodles Studios and search it will be in the store today.

R 20's
Y19, Y08, YR24
B21, 24, 23, 26
E 59, 57, 35, 31
Well dag nab it...I forgot to color the blue monkey's nose!!!!!!! LOL. don't you just hate that, you get done and hand it over and bam you see a big mistake. Oh wait, He has a white nose! Yeah, that's it, a white nose. Wheeew, I thought I made a mistake there for a minute. giggle.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, I would love to read your thoughts and even more would love it if you would become a follower of my blog! I would be as excited as this barrel of monkey's!!! Hug's Rhea
I love your barrel of monkey's!!!! and I hate it too, all is done and I make the post and I see a mistake on the photo *LOL*.
But your card is wonderful also with the white nose :o)!!!
Thanks for the inspiration!